Does my pram make me invisible?

Does it? Or does it make me second class? 

Because that’s how you act. The collective “you” that is most of the British public.

I am walking through the high street, I’m looking where I’m going, I’m being careful not to run into anyone or over anyone’s feet. But one thing that is driving me mental, is that no one cares to give me the same courtesy.

Is it just that I notice it more now I can’t dive around you on my own? Is it that people are just quite inconsiderate? Or is it because you think I can wait, because I can’t be in any rush, because you are more important?

The ignorance is just insane. Honestly, I was out of my house for 2 hours. It takes me 30 minutes to walk to town, so that’s an hour spent on the high street. 7 times (yes, I started counting) people just walked in front of me, cutting across my path and paid no attention to me at all. 4 people did the same and then looked at me like i was at fault! One couple actually stopped dead in front of me to talk to a passing friend and stood there mindlessly while I shouted excuse me 3 times before the wife called me rude and told me to go around (Around would have been into the path of an oncoming bus)

How am I rude for saying excuse me? I said it in a normal tone of voice at first. Its not my fault you are so oblivious to your own surroundings you didn’t hear me so I had to shout it! In fact, it makes you rude for stopping dead in the street, and you’re lucky I didn’t just ram your ankles with my pram.

I am not invisible because I have a pram. I’m not second class to whatever it is you’re doing, meandering along the street giving no fucks. I’m not rude for asking you to politely shift your pretentious arse out of my way! Or would you rather the peaceful sleeping child wake up and scream it at you because he’s stopped moving right when he’s just settled to sleep?

To those without babies, small children or tiny aliens for all I care, just be a little considerate when you’re walking along that a mum, with a pram might be bombing it down the high street, so she can get home and have some lunch without said tiny human attempting to King Kong her legs while she eats.
I know you either don’t know or don’t remember how that feels, as all your meals are eaten at a leisurely pace these days, but for those of us still raising the next generation, let us get past you, mum’s need to eat too!!

2 thoughts on “Does my pram make me invisible?

  1. I was just thinking about this today. I had to be out and I swear I got so annoyed with everyone. I even shouted at someone “Am I invisible?” It is so frustrating sometimes I lose my patience with ignorant people

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  2. One of my pet peeves is not receiving the same respect you give every day! I agree with you, 100%! Glad you were able to vent and get this out.

    Liked by 1 person

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